Diablo 2 barb leveling guide
Diablo 2 barb leveling guide

diablo 2 barb leveling guide

after that go leveling up wolf stance up. use lion stance until you get bear stance and use that until you get wolf stance. Equip sword level up iron spiral and get going whacking! there is nothing special you need to know. Max wolf stance / bear stance (wich ever you feel you need more?)ġ0 or more points to spirit guide (provides you more damage and defense per level)īefore you get all these tier uniques you can use whatever you find or runewords you can make. Max gladiator's dominance (Dont use this uberskill until you have enough dexterity / some signets under your belt as you need high dexterity for block chance!) use runemaster instead if you lack on stat points to get block. (You can check block amount hovering over your defense on stat screen). WARNING: Do not use until you have enough dex to get max blockĭex: Around 2600 to get max block with gladiator's dominance and invictus shield. If you want to test my variation of end game build then see below spoiler:

diablo 2 barb leveling guide

On below videos i didn't even hit many of these but was still able to do farming pretty well. you get more life but lower damage.īreakpoints at level 120 with charms and good gear:ĭefense you should get around 600k with bear stance if not even more.Ģ50 Life after each kill or more if you can. If you think you are too squishy you can put all points also on vitality. You can basically build it how you like, just keep highlighted skills as they are. This skill build ain't absolute its modifiable as much as you want. Good single target damage for ubers for exampleĦ points to iron spiral and 1 all the rest melee skills. its just a guideline to one of the setups that works well and worked for me!

diablo 2 barb leveling guide

This build is highly customizable so dont keep this guide as a bible. This build is very beginner friendly and can do games content pretty well from level 1 to level 120 and beyond with minimal gearing.

Diablo 2 barb leveling guide